邮箱: lichunlin242@126.com
所属系部: 第二教学部
办公室: 院系楼256
1993.10至1997.07 新疆师范大学外语系英语专业学习,文学学士学位。
2001.09至2004.07 湖南师范大学外国语学院英语语言文学专业学习,文学硕士学位。
2013.08至2017.01 中山大学外国语学院外国语言学与应用语言学专业学习,文学博士学位
1997.01至2004.07 新疆师范大学外国语学院 英语教师(中级)
2004.07至今 必威betway官网 英语教师(中级)
I have been teaching English for Academic Purposes (EAP) to first year undergraduates for the past 6 years. This course aims to develop basic academic literacy, including reading skills of academic texts and writing skills of basic academic genres (for example diagram description, report, comparison and contrast).
My research interests include textbook evaluation, foreign language pedagogy and second language writing development. My PhD dissertation is about the effect of task complexity on second language learners’ writing and speaking performance. It is quite teaching-oriented research. I care a lot about how the details of teaching design influence the learning of students.
For the past two years, I have developed a keen interest in genre-based pedagogy and corpus-based pedagogy. These two teaching theories are basically meant to provide authentic material for learners with detailed analysis of the macro structure and language realization of communicative functions. Through the analysis and exposure to the authentic language material, students may learn how to use the correct language forms in writing academic passages. I am interested in the related curriculum design, textbook evaluation and learning effect.